Friday, December 16, 2011

One day our life can be full of the unexpected: stress, worry, things not going our way;  the next day, we can sail right through everything - having everything work out the way we think it should, no stress, no worry, maybe even getting an unexpected letter or email from an old friend.  Everyday, should be a sailing day.  Especially those days that are full of the unexpected.  We need to remember that God is always in control!  No matter if we didn’t get the job we really wanted, or that we are running short of money this month, or even if our children did not act very good at daycare.  God has a plan for everyone and everything, and yes, we wish he would tell us, so we didn’t worry and wonder, however, that is what faith is for.  To give us hope, that the future is still in God’s hands, and no matter what, He is working to make EVERYTHING good for us.  So in the middle of your unexpected day, take a deep breath, remind yourself that God is still in control, and ask God to show you what He wants you to do right at this moment.
“I know the plans I have for you,” declares God.  “Plans to prosper, not harm.  Plans to give you hope and a future.”